Troubleshooting hello_spnego.jsp
Downloading and Installing TCPMon
You can download TCPMon from
the Apache Web Site. Copy the .zip to \\MEDUSA (the server) and un-zip to any directory of
your choice.
Before Running TCPMon
Before you can use TCPMon with the SPNEGO Http Servlet Filter, you must first
modify your web.xml file.
The spnego.allow.localhost property in the servlet init params must
be set to false. Take a look at the reference docs
for a brief statement about this property.
Running TCPMon
Traverse to the \Temp\tcpmon-1.0-bin\tcpmon-1.0-bin\build\ directory
and double-click the tcpmon.bat file. Accept the "Open File - Security Warning" by
clicking the "Run" button.
Configuring TCPMon
On the TCPMon UI Window, click on the "Admin" tab and for the following fields,
provide these values:
Listen Port: 80
Target Hostname: medusa
Target Port: 8080
And then click the "Add" button.
After clicking the "Add" button, a new tab labeled "Port 80" will be displayed.
Select the "Port 80" tab and walk away from the server and login into your
Determine new URL
After logging into your workstation, open a browser and instead of typing
http://medusa:8080/hello_spnego.jsp in the URL, type the same
address again but this time without the port number
http://medusa/hello_spnego.jsp .
Notice that the port number in the URL is not specified.
After typing-in the URL and hitting Enter , go back to \\MEDUSA
(the server) and view the TCPMon results in the TCPMon UI Window.
Making sense of the results
pre-flight checklist
install guide - tomcat
install guide - jboss
install guide - glassfish
install guide - spring boot 2.x
install guide - spring boot 3.x
enable authZ with LDAP
get user group info from LDAP
reference docs
api docs
create keytab for client
create keytab for app server
credential delegation
protected SOAP Web Service
tomcat authenticator valve
jboss authenticator valve
authZ for standalone apps
protecting edit button on page
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